AngularJS Vs. Angular 1. Angular is not an upgrade of AngularJS but it is completely rewritten. 2. AngularJS has easy setup. only need to include angular.js library. Angular 2have a difficult setup which has already mentioned in my previous blog:- 3. Angular is written in Typescript.AngularJS is written in javascript. 4. Angular is the component-based approach. AngularJS is an MVC based approach. 5. AngularJS was not built with mobile support in mind, where Angular 2 is mobile-oriented. 6. AngularJS’s core concept is $scope but you will not find $scope in Angular 2.0 and above. 7. AngularJS Controllers are gone in Angular v2. We can say that Controllers are replaced with “Components” in Angular 2. 8. Two-way data binding: ng-model has been replaced with [(ngModel)]. 9. In Angular 2, Structural directives syntax is changed. ng-repeat is replaced with *ngFor. 10. Angular 2 uses camelCase s...
Amritanjali's blog UI Source on UI related technologies like Angular, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS.